Adding a host to a PortMaster console server
This example will add a host named RAID to the terminal server on
port S6 at 38400, 8 bits, No parity, 1 stop bit, and hardware flow control
- telnet to the port master and log in as !root, or any other admin user.
- add user raid
- set user raid service telnet 1006
the TCP port number is 1000 plus the physical port number
- set user raid password pw4console
- save user
- set s6 databits 8
- set s6 parity no
- set s6 speed 38400
- set stopbits 1
- set s6 xon/xoff off
- set s6 rts/cts on
- set s6 service_dev telnet 1006
- set s6 device dialout
- save all
- reset s6
- show s6
- update DNS: add raid to the rts subdomain as a CNAME for this portmaster
- telnet to raid.rts, log in as the new user and see if it works.
Notes: help is very useful
- help set s6
- help set user