- create an administrative share from the CD by typing into the [start] [run] dialog box
Z:\setuppro.exe /a MSINODISABLEMEDIA=1
- enter the license key
- install it to a location that can be shared on the network,
e.g. d:\software\officeXPpro
- get the fullfile service pack from MS
- create a folder for the service pack, e.g. d:\software\officeXPpro_sp3
- unpack the service pack to a folder by typing into the [start] [run] dialog box
D:\software\officeXPSp3-kb832671-fullfile-enu.exe /t:D:\software\officeXPpro_sp3 /c
- apply the core patch to the image by typing into the [start] [run] dialog box
msiexec /p D:\software\officexppro_sp3\mainsp3ff.msp /a D:\software\officeXPpro+sp3+CD\pro.msi /qb /lv c:\temp\pro.log
- apply the web patch to the image by typing into the [start] [run] dialog box
msiexec /p D:\software\officexppro_sp3\owc10sp3ff.msp /a D:\software\officeXPpro+sp3+CD\owc10.msi /qb /lv c:\temp\owc.log
- modify the autorun.inf file to access setuppro.exe
- burn to CD if you have the appropriate licenses
- use the following command to recache and reinstall office on client computers
msiexec /i \\server\software\officeXPpro+sp3\pro.msi REINSTALL=ALL RESINSTALLMODE=vomu /qb