To hide PC Anywhere


run it

pcAnywhere IP port usage

You want to configure a firewall to allow pcAnywhere connections, and you need to know which IP ports pcAnywhere uses.

pcAnywhere uses either of two sets of ports depending on the version of pcAnywhere you are using. One set uses ports 65301 and 22. The second set uses the registered ports 5631 and 5632.
pcAnywhere version TCP (data) port number UDP (status) port number How to convert to the other set of ports
2.0 65301 22 Download and install the file Ports_20.exe
7.0 65301 22 Download and install the file Ports_70.exe
7.50, 7.51 65301 22 Upgrade to 7.52 by downloading and installing the upgrade file 75up_c.exe
CE 65301 22 Ports cannot be changed
7.52 5631 5632 Run the file Tcpport2.reg located in the pcAnywhere folder.
8.x, 9.0 5631 5632 Automatically accounts for connection to or from the older set of ports.
9.2 5631 5632 Does not automatically account for connection to or from the older set of ports. See the document Cannot connect with TCP/IP to older versions of pcAnywhere with version 9.2 for more detail.

pcANYWHERE32 7.52
This version includes two registry files. Importing one file or the other will change the ports that pcAnywhere uses. The files are:

Double-clicking the file imports the new settings into the Windows registry.

pcANYWHERE32 8.x, pcAnywhere 9.0
These versions of pcAnywhere automatically detect whether the opposite end is using the older ports or the registered ports. If you want pcAnywhere to use only the registered ports, follow these steps to change a registry setting: