Unordered Lists default bullet shapes are listed below, but can be overridden:

Ordered Lists TYPE attribute is deprecated and should be specified in using CSS.

Type Numbering style
1 arabic numbers 1, 2, 3, ...
a lower alpha a, b, c, ...
A upper alpha A, B, C, ...
i lower roman i, ii, iii, ...
I upper roman I, II, III, ...

For example, using CSS, one may specify that the style of numbers for list elements in a numbered list should be lowercase roman numerals. In the excerpt below, every OL element belonging to the class "withroman" will have roman numerals in front of its list items.

<STYLE type="text/css">
OL.withroman { list-style-type: lower-roman }
<OL class="withroman">
<LI> Step one ...  
<LI> Step two ...
Misc header line
<OL START=3> Step three ...